My current personal study is about the resurection.
Besides the nine well known resurections (the Son of the zaraphath widow, the son of the shulamite woman, the man whose body touched Elisha's bones, Lazarus, Jesus, son of the widow Nain, the daughter of Jairus, Dorcas and Eutychus). There was Enoch who God 'transfered' so he wouldn't see death and Elijah who God took away in a flaming chariot hidden in a whilwind! As well as these there were the holy men ofJerusalem resurrected at the same time as Jesus. This last group is often overlooked and it is unclear what became of them. Rumours persist that they are still alive today though I find that unlikely due to Jehovah limiting the age of man to 1,000 years max.
Imagine if you had Elisha's bones and they still worked?!
In 1919 the first really big resurection took place (aka the early resurrection). The evidence suggests that around October 5th over 100,000 faithful men and women ascended heavenward to receive instructions in cleansing and governing and basic horticulture.
The resurrections of the future will be very interesting. Personally I don't think Hitler will get one. Charles Manson will be in a gray area and not allowed near vulnerable ones in case he refuses to become perfect. Many of the people will be bad and hard to deal with at first. The sex predators and shoplifters will have to be punished quickly. The 144,000 will certainly have their hands full so to speak. I think stealing will go away once everyone realizes how everything is free. Swearing will not be such a problem once they learn Hebrew.
YHWH is a god of order so I imagine the resurections will take place as part of an assembly program. Announcements of the names from the book of life. Such good times.
The Real Edward Gentry
JoinedPosts by The Real Edward Gentry
My Personal Study
by The Real Edward Gentry inmy current personal study is about the resurection.besides the nine well known resurections (the son of the zaraphath widow, the son of the shulamite woman, the man whose body touched elisha's bones, lazarus, jesus, son of the widow nain, the daughter of jairus, dorcas and eutychus).
there was enoch who god 'transfered' so he wouldn't see death and elijah who god took away in a flaming chariot hidden in a whilwind!
as well as these there were the holy men ofjerusalem resurrected at the same time as jesus.
The Real Edward Gentry
Facebook warning
by The Real Edward Gentry inbe very careful who you "friend" on facebook.people are facing judicial hearings for things they have posted unless you are a real goody two shoes, be careful who you friend and beware of entrapment conversations designed to have you reveal your personal habits or even opinions.happy hollidays.
The Real Edward Gentry
Be very careful who you "friend" on Facebook.
People are facing judicial hearings for things they have posted online.
So unless you are a real goody two shoes, be careful who you friend and beware of entrapment conversations designed to have you reveal your personal habits or even opinions.
Happy Hollidays -
Adam and the Dinosaurs
by The Real Edward Gentry inhere is a fascinating subject.
according to the bible , one of adam's first assignments was to name all the animals including the sea creatures and dinosaurs of course.
we don't know how long this took but, as all witnesses know, the time period is crucial in working out the timing of armageddon).
The Real Edward Gentry
Here is a fascinating subject. According to the bible , One of Adam's first assignments was to name all the animals including the sea creatures and dinosaurs of course. We don't know how long this took but, as all witnesses know, the time period is crucial in working out the timing of Armageddon).
For Adam to name the animals correctly and give them appropriate names he must have studied there behavior. He became an animal trainer par excellance and a marine biology expert. I estimate as a perfect man this may have taken fifty years.Seeing Adam at the time was still in communication with his heavenly Father , he had source to great counsel.
He wasn't alone in his decision making.
I won't go any deeper now but just imagine what it must have been like to have dinosaurs under your personal subjection. For over 1,600 years people lived harmoniously with every animal -
Superpower after perfection?
by The Real Edward Gentry inthere is much speculation about our perfect life ahead.
a big way jw's are wrong is they do not allow for the human need to specualte on this life ahead.
except for governing body, no one else can speculate.
The Real Edward Gentry
There is much speculation about our perfect life ahead. A big way JW's are wrong is they do not allow for the human need to specualte on this life ahead. Except for Governing Body, no one else can speculate. But these are my thoughts that I do share with certain open minded elders.
We know many thinggs such as animals will continue to die after they grow old or drown. Over time some animals may become extinct (for example the sea creatuures if the oceans dry up making more land available for resurrected ones).
Last night I watched the movie Martian where Matt Daemon is stuck on mars and must grow potatoes. It was a good movie and made me think about the future ahead. We know we will soon have big perfect bodies and very high IQ brains. It appears we may also be given super powers like those demonstrated in the bible such as:
The power to control bears.
To call fire from heaven and consume a sacrafice.
Talking to the animals like Balaam and his wise donkey.
To calm a hurricane.
To stop the sun and create daylight savings.
Walk on top of the water.
Heal the broken ears (like jesus to the roman soldier).
Turn water into the best red wine.
Part the waters of the sea.
Kill a bad tree by cursing it!
Turn your walking stick into a powerful snake.
Cause a plague of frogs.
Levitation and invisibility like Elija and Jesus.
Reading people's thoughts (telepathy).
Prophetic visions of the future .
These extra powers and many others will be amazing when we are to colonise other worlds.
I imagine there will be the equivalent of Noah's Ark going to seed other planets in our image. Such good times -
What do you think is the origin of Giants and/or Sasquatch?
by The Real Edward Gentry ingenesis says a lot about both pre-flood and post-flood giants.the really big nasty ones drowned in the flood but there were lots of others the israelites had to overcome including the king of basham with his 11 foot iron bed.people nowadays are much smaller and i think its due in part to us losing more and more of adams perfection.
i turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the ark but are as yet undiscovered.
during president knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in china and eventually an american team tracked them down in the wild.
The Real Edward Gentry
Genesis says a lot about both pre-flood and post-flood giants.
The really big nasty ones drowned in the flood but there were lots of others the Israelites had to overcome including the King of Basham with his 11 foot iron bed.
People nowadays are much smaller and I think its due in part to us losing more and more of Adams perfection.I turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the Ark but are as yet undiscovered. During President Knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in China and eventually an American team tracked them down in the wild. After this the panda was added to the list of animals that Noah cared for.
Could there be animals living today that survived from Noah's Ark but remain undetected by modern science? I believe the Sasqatch to be in this category. There is huge evidence of them living in the dense forests of North America. Imagine In the future taking a picture of Noah and a bigfoot together. Could there be animals living today that survived from Noah's Ark but remain undetected by modern science? I believe the Sasqatch to be in this category. There is huge evidence of them living in the dense forests of North America. Imagine In the future taking a picture of Noah and a Sasquatch together! -
Did you leave the JW RECENTLY? Really? Recently? WTF were you thinking?
by The Real Edward Gentry innot to be overly harsh...but if you just left, what the hell were you thinking?
between 1995 and now, you never did an internet search of "jehovahs-witness" or "watchtower"?
good god.
The Real Edward Gentry
Thank You, Chook.
Did you leave the JW RECENTLY? Really? Recently? WTF were you thinking?
by The Real Edward Gentry innot to be overly harsh...but if you just left, what the hell were you thinking?
between 1995 and now, you never did an internet search of "jehovahs-witness" or "watchtower"?
good god.
The Real Edward Gentry
I am not trying to rile anyone up. Its a legit question. Perhaps phrased too harshly. I was indeed a JW. I left at age 18. Although mentally I was gone before that.
I remember looking at "apostate" books at the book store in the mall. Pre-internet. I remember being about 16 or so and I had spent a good portion of the day in that bookstore. I already had doubts obviously but I remember vividly walking around the rest of that day in a sort of weird daze. Thinking, "wow, i'm not crazy. These people ARE wrong". In a way I felt vindicated but I also knew I had to go along to get along, at least for the next few years.
I understand the pressures and the guilt feeling, but I don't understand the willpower to avoid researching one of your core beliefs when its right there in the privacy of your own home with a few keystrokes.
People are really strange.
Did you leave the JW RECENTLY? Really? Recently? WTF were you thinking?
by The Real Edward Gentry innot to be overly harsh...but if you just left, what the hell were you thinking?
between 1995 and now, you never did an internet search of "jehovahs-witness" or "watchtower"?
good god.
The Real Edward Gentry
Not to be overly harsh...but if you just left, what the hell were you thinking? Between 1995 and now, you never did an internet search of "Jehovahs-Witness" or "Watchtower"? Good god.
The heyday of ex-jw boards was 15-20 years ago. And its all still out there. As is everything. What the hell were you people thinking? Did you not own a computer?
Pause icon design
by The Real Edward Gentry inhello: back in the 60's, i knew a designer for the ampex corporation.
one day, f. arden farey, the manager of industrial design gave him the task to create an icon for pause since the company was marketing in foreign markets and the word "pause" didn't translate well in most foreign languages.
he looked at pause and finally decided that it was a "sorta" stop.
The Real Edward Gentry
Hello: Back in the 60's, I knew a designer for the Ampex Corporation. One day, F. Arden Farey, the manager of industrial design gave him the task to create an icon for pause since the company was marketing in foreign markets and the word "pause" didn't translate well in most foreign languages. He looked at pause and finally decided that it was a "sorta" stop. After generating concepts, my friend decided to use the square of stop and break it up or interrupt the box. A horizontal line would have given an "equals" symbol and other designs wouldn't work well as small graphic symbols. So, the vertical was decided upon for its ease of reading but also it created what he called a "stutter stop" symbol. So, although he was Japanese American, there is no esoteric or Zen meaning, just straight forward design problem solving.
My friend was employed at Ampex in Elk Grove Village, IL from 1964 to 1971, in the consumer products division on Landmier Road and Estes Ave.He was not a Jehovah's Witness. -
Has anyone met Anthony Morris?
by The Real Edward Gentry inhe seems like he'd be very stern and a drag to have to be around.
obsessed with tight pants and homosexuals and all.
so what's he really like?.
The Real Edward Gentry
He seems like he'd be very stern and a drag to have to be around. Obsessed with tight pants and homosexuals and all. So what's he really like?